Do you waste a lot of time looking for things? Leonie Dawson has an answer for you! Do you know that people spend hours a day looking for things? It’s time to get organized! Leonie’s workshop teaches you how to get things together in only 21 days.
I took Get Organized about three months ago and am still using the tools I learned in this course to organize my life and eliminate clutter. Once you learn, you never return to the old way of doing things.
UPDATE: Leonie’s courses are available for a year – $99. This deal is awesome. Get access to Brilliant Biz & Life Academy. It includes Get Organized and more! The annual membership is still available for $99.00 – for the entire year (which breaks down to about $8.25 per month). The Get Organized class used to be sold separately, but now it is part of the Brillant Academy.
Get Leonie’s current + new courses, workshops, digital goal-setting workbooks & other goodies. Experience life to its fullest with Leonie’s free-spirited style! You will receive The 12 New Chapters Goal and Vision Digital Planner FREE if you buy The Brilliant Academy through my affiliate link. Email your invoice here.
Do you know you need to get organized but don’t know where to begin?
Check out Get Organized in 21 Days
This online course contains life hacks for creatives and the neurodiverse. If you are longing for sane, practical solutions to getting organized in life, home, or business…
You’ll get decluttering and organizing checklists, learn how to organize your finances, what tech to use to get organized and how to increase your productivity and focus.
Get a look inside the Get Organized online course.

The Brillant Academy includes:
- Sales Star
- Marketing Without Social Media
- Money, Manifesting & Multiple Streams of Income
- 40 Days To A Finished Book
- 40 Days To Create & Sell Your E-Course
- Get Organised!
- Work Less, Earn More
- How To Hire & Manage A VA
- Behind The Scenes of a Multimillionaire’s Finances
Leonie Dawson is an award-winning author & entrepreneur who has created over $12 million in 10 hours a week. They have two children, a distractingly hot husband is diagnosed with ADHD & ASD and still manages somehow to make this whole life & business thing work.
This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I may receive a commission at no extra cost if you purchase through a link. Please see my full disclosure for further information.