My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Natural Relief for Anxiety and Stress: A Practical Guide by Gustavo Kinrys provides several natural ways to lessen stress and anxiety. The author focused on herbs, psychosocial, and natural solutions to stress. This book is well-edited.
In addition, the book breaks down what anxiety is and offers valuable tools and practices to aid you in relieving anxiety. Finally, Dr. Kinrys discusses the seriousness of stress and how stress affects your body.
The author discusses alternative therapies like acupuncture and more traditional ones like cognitive behavioral therapy. Some of the natural remedies in this book are costly (for example, herbs), but there are accessible stress relief tips, like meditation, listening to music, and exercise.
The author doesn’t just tell you to exercise or use this remedy. Instead, they explain how the brain and body work and why and how the natural treatment works.
This is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to lessen their anxiety. I rate this book 4 out of 4 stars. I particularly like that Dr. Kinrys mentioned scientific studies for some alternative treatments. I recommend this book to anyone dealing with anxiety and looking for natural ways to deal with it. This book offers so many techniques that most people will find one that works for them. In addition, this book can work with some pharmaceuticals (check with your healthcare provider, as the author says often). So, it’s not you must only use a natural remedies book. You can use this book to complement what your doctor says to do.
I wish the author had named some of the best apps for stress. There are so many apps out there, and it would be helpful to know which apps the author, a doctor, would recommend. Also, many apps have free versions, so having this knowledge would have been extremely helpful, but I understand that the author does not want to promote specific apps.
I found this book a great reference book and easy to read. There is also a quick reference table at the end of the book, which is excellent if you want a brief overview of a remedy. I will recommend this book to others.
This book has so much information. Be prepared to go back to this book many times.
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